Why donate?
Glad you asked!
We are 100% self-supported and community-funded, counting on LD3 residents like you to help. We do not receive any funding from the state or county parties. Here are just a few things we do with our donations:
Remind residents in our district to register to vote and sign up to receive ballots by mail
Help voters with research on candidates and propositions
Build our community of volunteers
Hold events to support our candidates and important initiatives
Print and mail letters, ballot guides, and postcards to local Dems to GOTV
All volunteers are unpaid. Every dollar donated counts, and every dollar we receive is used to see our mission through. Donate LOCAL!
We appreciate your monthly recurring donations!
Recurring donations give us an amount each month that we can count on to support the important work we are doing. We need everyone to step up and donate a set amount each month. We have so much work to do. Can we count on you to help?