Become a Precinct Committee Person
Elections are truly won or lost in precincts, especially in Maricopa County, and PCs are vital to ensuring strong Democratic support for Democratic candidates and issues.
What's a PC?
What's a Precinct Committee Person?
As a PC, you are a representative of the Arizona Democratic Party in your precinct, or neighborhood. ​Elections are truly won or lost in precincts, especially in Maricopa County, and PCs are vital to ensuring strong Democratic support for Democratic candidates and issues.
PCs are elected during the Primary election and serve a two-year term. PCs can also be appointed by the Legislative District Chair. Any registered Democrat is eligible to be a PC in the precinct where they live!
The primary role of the PCs for each precinct is to:
work together
to serve as the connection between the Democratic Party, the voters and our Democratic elected officials
represent your entire precinct within the party
Duties of a PC
Attend meetings
Attend monthly LD3 Dems meetings as well as any meetings set up for PCs.
Vote in Dem elections
As a PC, you have a vote in Arizona Democratic Party and Maricopa County Democratic Party elections, as well as LD reorganization.
Get to know your neighbors
You represent the Democrats in your neighborhood. We'll help you get to know them.
Join a committee.
PCs are welcome to join state and county Democratic committees to make a difference in the issues that matter.
Educate yourself
Stay informed about what is going on in local politics that affects your community.
GOTV (Get out the vote)
Help GOTV with your fellow PCs and LD3 volunteers. We'll be working together - you never have to work alone.
Ready to get started?