Monday January 13th begins the state’s 57th legislature – first regular session. 179 bills have been pre-filed and we already see the same themes repeating themselves from last session. School choice, individual freedoms, election changes, and a plethora of culture war topics are being proposed by the majority party. LD3’s John Kavanagh is once again obsessed with school bathroom facilities and pronouns.
Thus far, we do not see a remedy for the financial cliff facing public schools with the end of Prop 123 money, any interest in addressing critical water issues nor any helpful housing shortage assistance.
Our legislative blog will have a slightly different focus this session. Since there are numerous organizations, like CEBV (Civic Engagement Beyond Voting) that will keep us up to date on bills impacting the state, our Blog will present actions we can take to communicate with our LD3 legislators.

Let’s make some changes in 2025!
We have extreme legislators who make no effort to hear differing views. When we do not make the uncomfortable effort to show our disagreement they are justified in believing their stance is universally accepted by constituents. Will our speaking up make a huge difference, maybe – maybe not, but we must try.
How do we effect a change?
Going forward this Legislative Blog will present just a couple of bills our LD3 legislators have sponsored or will be voting on. We’re asking you all to pick one or two issues and communicate your opinion. Do it over and over via email or phone message. Since their capacity to concentrate is limited, three sentences is recommended.
As the Blog tightens its focus we will direct you to other resources to use for Request To Speak and other bills needing your input.
If you do not yet receive the CEBV weekly newsletter, sign up here.
Action for right now.
Put our LD3 lawmakers’ contact info into your phone and email contact lists.
Sen. John Kavanagh jkavanagh@azleg.gov (602) 926-5170
Rep. Alex Kolodin akolodin@azleg.gov (602) 926-3560
Rep. Joseph Chaplik jchaplik@azleg.gov (602) 926-3436
Remember, when you call a legislator’s office their assistant answers. They will take a message, or you can leave a brief message if no one answers. BE BRIEF.
Never called or emailed a lawmaker before? Make a promise to yourself to make 2025 the year to start!
Each week this Blog space will give information you can use to contact our lawmakers and let them know we are “woke” and watching.
Please text me about request to speak. 10+ yrs ago I had an acct at the legislature but I can’t seem to get them to send me confirmation of my acct.