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Data Snack: Expectations

Many more voters vote in general elections than in mid-terms. We call this difference "drop-off".

We can increase LD3's total vote count in our high drop-off precincts. Take Rio Montana, for example. This precinct experienced a 14% drop-off in 2022. We expect it to do at least 14% better in this presidential election.

Where mid-term drop-off is in the single digits, overall voter turnout is high. It is much harder to get more votes in those precincts. Our opportunity for increasing the overall vote count is in those precincts where mid-term drop-off is in double digits. How does your precinct compare with others in our LD?

Find your precinct's data below. Don't know your precinct? Go to to find out.

The mailer isn't all we do. We are canvassing door-to-door in neighborhoods that are both accessible and need the extra touch.

We'll be using bulk text messaging in targeted ways. It's cost-effective and helps reach those who are inaccessible.

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