We appreciate you as PCs, volunteers, sustaining financial contributors, or just avid readers and believers in what we are doing. Keep reading to learn how our community is coming together in different ways to do good. If you've been involved in any of these initiatives already, thank you. If you haven't, it's a great time to start.
Sharing our love through giving from the heart
We have been collecting food and non-food donations for the Foothills Foodbank in Black Canyon City.
Thanks to you, we were able to fill and deliver 11 crates of donated items!
Special thanks to local businesses William's Coffee and The Blind Bear for allowing us to place donation boxes at your locations.

Sharing our love through expressing gratitude

Thanks to volunteers who stepped up to write notes of gratitude to our educators, eight separate schools received baskets filled with heartfelt notes and boxes of Merci candy. Schools each received 40+ notes with almost 400 written in total. My contacts at each school, the principal's assistants, were beyond grateful at the gesture. One peeked at a note before I left and her eyes filled with tears. I expect she is not alone in that reaction as many of the notes you wrote were so moving and showed a real understanding of the challenges public school staff are facing. I am grateful to all who joined in this effort.
- Ruth Lambert
Sharing our love through expressing gratitude
The Cave Creek/Carefree postcarding group now has 32 participants. We are reaching roughly 3,200 people via 2,000 postcards per month, including voters all across the old LD1 and now also some of the new LD3 just south of us. In January, we addressed the Infrastructure bill and what it did for Arizona. February is about what the Democrats have done FOR education and what the Republicans have done AGAINST it, and we are asking our recipients to contact our AZ house and senate leaders to protest not raising the AEL. Stay tuned! We will continue to accept a limited number of new postcarders. Contact me at jane@dustydogs.net to get started.
- Jane Rhodes

Sharing our love through stepping up
Represent your neighborhood as a Precinct Committeeperson! It is very important that we fill as many PC slots as we can - you are needed! There are no requirements or qualifications for the position - choose the volunteer tasks thatfit your interests and availability.
Signing up as a PC is easy - contact Anna Arnold to get started.
Sharing our love through cleaning our community
We will be holding our Spring Adopt-a-Road clean up event on Saturday, March 26 beginning at 8:30 a.m. Click the button below to sign up to join us and to receive details via email. You are welcome to share this event with friends, family, and neighbors who may want to help. Register now