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January 8th - 2024 session begins

The 2024 session of our state legislature starts on Monday January 8th with opening ceremonies at noon followed by Governor Katie Hobbs' State of the State address at 2:00.

What committee assignments do our LD3 legislators have for this session?

Senator John Kavanagh

Senate assignments

Chairman Appropriations Committee

Vice-Chair Judiciary Committee

Member Elections Committee

House assignments

Rep. Alex Kolodin

Member Judiciary Committee

Vice-Chair Municipal Oversight and Elections Committee (MOE)

Member Natural Resources, Energy and Water Committee

Rep. Joseph Chaplik

Vice-Chair Appropriations Committee

Both the senate and house chambers can pre-file legislation prior to the session start date.

As of Jan 6:

A total of 218 bills have been pre-filed. Many bills vetoed last session are making a second appearance.

Sen Kavanagh has pre-filed 9 bills.

Most notable:

SB1017 is a bill filed at the request of Tom Horne. Tom Horne is suing Attorney General Chris Mayes and Gov. Hobbs and needs legal representation. SB1017 would exempt the Dept. of Education from using the Attorney General's office for legal matters as presently required.

SB1022 adds the Appeal to Heaven flag to the list of flags HOA's must allow flown. The flag, originally associated with the revolutionary war, has been embraced by christian nationalists to advance the conviction people should not appeal to government for help but "Appeal To Heaven". The flag was seen at the Jan 6 insurrection in D. C and flies outside the door of Congressional house speaker Mike Johnson. It's also called the pine tree flag.

Rep. Alex Kolodin pre-filed 6 bills and 6 resolutions.

Five of Kolodin's early bills are technical corrections which make no substantive change to statute and are presumed to be placeholder's for strike everything amendments. His 6th bill is a lengthy bill allowing groundwater to be sold or leased by the land owner.

Five of his 6 early resolutions are also technical corrections presumed to be place holders for future strike everything amendments.

Note: a strike everything amendment can be offered to change the language in an entire bill after the time limit has elapsed for offering new legislation. It is a way to introduce a new idea after the deadline has passed. It can be used for good or evil.

Rep. Joseph Chaplik - zero, zip, zilch

To date eleven (11) resolutions proposing changes to the constitution or state statute have been submitted. Since resolutions, if passed, go directly to the Secretary of State to put on the next general election ballot they bypass the Governor and do not need her to sign.

Expect more resolutions this session.

The first week of session is filled with committee meetings where various reports are given.

Bills could start the process of being read during floor sessions but will not show up on committee agendas until the following week.

On Jan 8th both Opening Ceremonies at noon and the State of the State address at 2:00 can be found on the Legislature's website link


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LD3 Democrats

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