If you use Request To speak, PLEASE log on right now and give a thumbs down to Rep. Alex Kolodin’s HCR2037. This resolution is on the agenda for Wednesday’s Judiciary Committee.
Judiciary’s chair is Quang Nguyen who is refusing to hear any gun sense bills this session but will hear this resolution which would repeal the AZ state law that bans automatic weapons, grenades, bombs and other mass destruction devices. Federal bans would still apply but local law enforcement would not be authorized to take away someone’s bazooka as they walk down the street!
Please check the bills Civic Engagement describing in their Weekly. There is a lot of maga happening this week at the capitol.
Senator Kavanagh’s fixation with bathroom usage SB1003 will hit the senate floor this week for the Committee Of the Whole (COW). That is where a bill’s merits or flaws can be discussed and questioned. Once it passes COW, which is likely, with a voice vote it could roll right into a final vote later in the day that would pass it out of the chamber. It is not up for RTS since it has left all small committees but PLEASE email John Kavanagh and simply tell him if you agree trans kids should be singled out. After the bill leaves the Senate chamber it will cross over to the House to start the process all over again.
JKavanagh@azleg.gov or leave a message (602) 926-5170.