At this point in the legislative session, any bill not granted a hearing this coming week is most likely dead for the session. This includes many good bills and a few bad ones. We’ll see “strikers” added to bills in committee before the deadline in a desperate attempt to keep a bill alive before the deadline.
“Striker” review: The bill passage process involves having a bill pass one or more committees. Amendments are often added to improve the bill or fix an oversight. Amendments are added in committees or at the first Floor Vote. A “Striker” amendment is drastic as it strikes out or erases the entire bill language and inserts something new, or the entire language from another bill that could not get a hearing elsewhere.
IF a lawmaker can convince a colleague who already has a bill on a committee agenda, to give up their own bill there could be a chance to bring the new idea to a committee vote and get it to a Floor vote before the deadline.
This week there is a bill in the Appropriations committee HB2456 dealing with fire dept. grants. It has already passed one other committee. A maneuver will be attempted to gut the bill and insert a “striker amendment” changing the bill to a firearm storage responsibility bill.
All gun safety bills in the House were assigned to the Judiciary Committee this session whose chair refused to put them on the Agenda.
HB2456 will see Nancy Gutierrez attempt to insert a striker and get it through the Appropriations Committee on Monday.
The make up of the Committee is 11-R to 7-D.
Request To Speak is Open. If you’d like to see adults held responsible for not securing firearms around children please give a thumbs UP and note in the comments you are in favor of the STRIKER on HB2456.
Rep. Gutierrez sponsored HB2214 which could not get a Hearing in the Judiciary Committee. Her bill, known as Christian's Law, now used as a "Striker" deserves to be heard.