Rep. Alex Kolodin LD3
(602) 926-3560
Only a few committees met this past week as the legislature painfully worked through it’s first week of the 2025 session.
One awful bill seems to be fast-tracking it’s way to passage. HB2022 wants to allow teachers to be trained to carry guns in classrooms. Not only does research show gun toting teachers do not make schools safer but School Resource Officers are solidly against the idea. An amendment was added in the Education Committee. The bill originally addressed both public and private schools. The amendment took out private schools. HB2022 passed the education committee on a party line vote and is on the agenda for the Judiciary Committee next Tuesday. Alex Kolodin is on Judiciary, has a vote and needs to hear from constituents by phone or email before Wednesday morning.

If you email, remember to make it short. Subject line: NO on HB2022
Sometimes a legislator will only read a subject line....
The Arizona Agenda dedicated an issue to LD3 Alex Kolodin and his quest to deregulate the heck out of Arizona. The article is not for the faint of heart. Read article here