Bills sponsored thus far in session:
Sen. John Kavanagh 56; Rep. Alexander Kolodin 12; Rep. Joseph Chaplik 0
SB1005 prohibits a judge from ordering parents to pay any attorney fees or damages after losing a lawsuit against a school or teacher. (state law requires a judge order reasonable attorney fees or expenses from a losing party if lawsuit is found to be without “substantial justification.”) This bill builds on the parents’ rights law passed last year to allow parents to sue if they think their fundamental rights have been usurped. Passed Judiciary Committee on party lines 4-3 and is scheduled for Rules Committee on Monday 1/23.
SB1021 requires the Attorney General to defend all laws…against all legal challenges. This includes laws passed that are deemed unconstitutional.
Bill passed on party line vote 5-2 in Gov. Committee. Next step is Rules Committee on Monday 1/23.
(Kavanagh was not happy when Brnovich refused to defend the lawsuit against his “filming police” bill last session.)
SB1024 classifies using a public street, highway sidewalk or other right of way for lying, sleeping or remaining seated as a class 1 misdemeanor. Exceptions are for an emergency; administering medical help or the right of way is subject to a permit for a parade etc. Passed Judiciary Committee and scheduled for Rules Committee on Monday 1/23.
SB1135 would remove voters from the Active Early Vote List if they drop off an early ballot at a polling place on election day. Not yet assigned to Committee. Stay tuned.
HCR2018 would send a proposition to voters at the next general election to divide Maricopa County into 4 separate counties. This resolution does not need the Governor’s signature.
Suggested boundaries would create 1 Democratic County and 3 Republican counties. This was tried last session but stopped by Speaker Rusty Bowers. Bill not yet assigned to committee.
HCR2029 would send a proposition to voters at the next general election to abolish the state’s income tax. This resolution does not need the Governor’s signature. Bill not yet assigned to committee.
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